You don't really have to go right now.\n\nAnyway, if you want to goof off you don't need to do it in here. There's nobody else in the office.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
This bathroom is a one-person affair, making it effectively your auxiliary break room.\n\nThe bathroom is spotless. There's a [[sink]], [[toilet]], and [[mirror]], as in most bathrooms, but little else.\n\nBehind you, the door leads [[back to the hallway|going][$dest to 'North Hall']]
A month later, your family calls off the search.\n\nYour body is never found.\n\n<h1>Bad end.</h1>
You don't know what these were for. The labels have worn away.\n\n[[back|a maintenance closet]]
Your desk, a minimalist plastic-and-metal affair, is strewn with paperwork that you can't file because you have no filing cabinet.\n\nYour [[computer]]'s aging CRT monitor sits atop it, screen displaying the build clock. Still about an hour and a half to go.
<<if visited() < 2>>You pour out a cup of coffee, raise it to your face, and without stopping to smell it.\n\nYou realize your mistake moments later. Something tastes distinctly wrong about this coffee, like swamp water badly impersonating coffee.\n\nYou dump the rest of the coffee. You're not sure whether you feel more annoyed or queasy.<<set $corruption to $corruption + 1>><<set $defiance to $defiance + 1>><<else>>No. The coffee already betrayed you.<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|Break Room]]
a Naked Twine Jam game
As usual, you don't get the e-mail until 7pm.\n\nExactly 14 hours before the sprint review, Manny from the California office has finally fixed the bug you've been bothering him about for weeks. He kicked a new build, which will take about an hour and a half thanks to his awful spaghetti code. You need to verify the bugfix before you go home.\n\nLong story short, it's another late night in the empty office.\n\n[[Continue|Harvest]]
Your [[supervisor's office|going][$dest to "Supervisor's Office"]] is about midway down the hall on the right.\n\nAt the end of the hall and to the right, the hall turns toward the [[entrance hall|going][$dest to "Entrance Hall"]].\n\nOn the left, an always-open door leads into the [[break room|going][$dest to "Break Room"]]. <<if $time > 10>>Something smells really good in there, some kind of rich fruity aroma.<<endif>>\n\nBack the way you came is the [[North Hall|going][$dest to "North Hall"]]
You drop down into your chair, scoot forward, and wiggle the mouse.\n\nRight now you're looking at your computer's build clock. It's still got about an hour and a half to go.<<if $time > 10>> Really feels like it should be further along by now.<<endif>>\n\nDo you want to [[check social media]]?\n[[Get some work done]]?\nOr ... [[well]].\n\nMaybe just back to [[Your Office]].
You wander into the stinking, dark room. After a moment of adjustment, your eyes manage to discern a great mound. A moment later, you realize what it is: a pile of bodies.\n\nYou [[back away|further down the hall]], unwilling to consider the implications.
You are in an empty, dingy hallway. There's dirt all over the floor.\n\nThere's [[a maintenance closet]] right behind you. Across the way is [[a bathroom]] that smells terrible.\n\nAnother open door nearby leads to an [[empty room]].\n\nThere are more doors [[further down the hall]].
You stare at your face for a few seconds in the mirror. You've looked better, honestly. You've been getting almost 8 hours of sleep a night but you're still tired all the time. Must be this job.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
Black and white photos of nature and architecture, carefully handpicked out of the //Least Threatening Landscapes// collection from Ansel Adams's "Bland Period". Or so you imagine.\n\n[[Back|Entrance Hall]]
Your little office's entrance plays at hospitality it doesn't follow up on. A trio of [[photo prints]] hang just above the cautiously-decorated [[front desk]].\n\nYou can [[leave the office]] from here, or head back to the [[South hall|going][$dest = "South Hall"]]
You think this might be a vine. It's slightly slick on the outside, and some of your blood covers the end that was buried in your arm.\n\nFeeling nauseated, you [[set it down|a maintenance closet]].
You poke around in your bug queue, then in the most recent complete build.<<set $time to $time + 1>><<if $defiance > 0>><<set $defiance to $defiance - 1>><<endif>>\n\nAfter a few minutes your eyes start to glaze over. With sprint review tomorrow, there really isn't anything to do.\n\nAt least you killed a few minutes.\n\n[[Back|computer]]
You dump the used grounds, load up some new ones, and start the coffee maker.\n\nIt'll be ready in a bit.<<set $coffee to 1>>\n\n[[You should kill some time elsewhere.|Break Room]]
There's nothing here.\n\nIt doesn't smell quite as bad as the hallway, but it has no exits either.\n\n[[out|dingy hallway]]
The smell is even worse in this room, whose floor is lined with feces. A dilapidated toilet and sink stand nearby, broken and useless.\n\nYou can't stand to stay here.\n\n[[back to the hallway.|dingy hallway]]
50-pound bags of fertilizer. The edges have finger-sized divots, like someone was dragging them around.\n\n[[back|a maintenance closet]]
This microwave has gotten you through some hard times.\n\nIt also desperately needs a cleaning.\n\n[[Back to the break room.|Break Room]]
... yeah.<<if $defiance > 0>><<set $defiance to $defiance - 1>><<endif>>\n\n[[Back|computer]]
... a while, looks like.\n\nYou sigh. With the sprint review this close, there's literally nothing for you to do until that build finishes. \n\n[[Your Office]]
<<if $defiance < 2>>You really shouldn't leave until the build is done.<<else if $defiance < 4>>You really just shouldn't leave the office right now.<<else>>You can't leave. You don't know why but you can't.<<endif>>\n\n[[Back to the office|Entrance Hall]]
Your supervisor's office is significantly larger than yours, and he has an [[actual desk]]. It's still plastic and metal, but bigger and with more features.\n\nHe's not here, of course.\n\n[[Back to the hallway?|going][$dest to "South Hall"]]
<h1>Harvest</h1>\n<h2>a horror office simulator</h2>\n\nBy <a href="http://www.patreon.com/colinsandel">Colin Sandel</a> (<a href="http://twitter.com/inurashii">@inurashii</a>) for the <a href="http://pathofnowandforever.tumblr.com/post/72468667237/naked-twine-jam-lets-make-games-together">Naked Twine Jam</a>.\n\n[[Continue|In Your Office]]
You open up a social media account in a spare tab and complain about your office.<<set $defiance to 1>>\n\nThere, that felt good. If you had a more coveted position you might be worried about endangering it by whinging about work publicly, but nobody is fooling themselves into thinking that QA is glamorous.\n\n[[How much longer on that build?]]
A collapsed desk decays in the corner of this hallway.\n\nThe [[front door]] has some kind of viney growth over it.
You are in a broom closet. <<if visited() < 2>>You are sitting on <<else>>Squatting on the floor is <<endif>>a [[wet box]].\n\nThe [[ropy thing]] you pulled out of your arm snakes down into an open drain in the floor.\n\nThere are a bunch of [[empty bottles]] and [[bags of fertilizer]] and a [[door leading out|dingy hallway]].
Exactly.<<set $defiance to 0>>\n\n[[How much longer on that build?]]
This game was written by <a href="http://www.patreon.com/colinsandel">Colin Sandel</a> (<a href="http://twitter.com/inurashii">@inurashii</a>) for <a href="http://twitter.com/m_kopas">@m_kopas</a>'s <a href="http://pathofnowandforever.tumblr.com/post/72468667237/naked-twine-jam-lets-make-games-together">Naked Twine Jam</a>.\n\nThis game will be expanded and revised after the comp. To stay on top of releases, please follow <a href="http://twitter.com/inurashii">Colin's twitter account</a> and consider donating to <a href="http://www.patreon.com/colinsandel">his Patreon page</a>.\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
<<if visited() < 2>>You reach out to move the keyboard closer to you, only to discover the hard way that the gunk is covering more of it than you thought -- you jerk your sticky hand away in disgust.\n\nYou're able to wipe it off onto your slacks, but now your hand smells like syrup.<<set $corruption to $corruption + 1>><<else>>You glare at the goo-covered keyboard. Fool me once.<<endif>>\n\n[[Best leave it alone.|front desk]]
This is your office.\n\n<<desk>>\n\nThere's a door right next to you that leads to [[the hallway.|going][$dest to "North Hall"]]
--let the player undo moves? (on / off)\n--in sugarcane, this enables the browser's back button.\n--in jonah, this lets the player click links in previous\n--passages.\n\nundo: on\n\n--let the player use bookmarks? (on / off)\n--this enables the bookmark links in jonah and sugarcane\n--(if the player can't undo, bookmarks are always disabled.)\nbookmark: off\n\n--obfuscate the story's html source to prevent possible\n--spoilers? (swap / off)\n\nobfuscate: off\n\n--string of letter pairs to use for swap-style obfuscation\n\nobfuscatekey: qcnhdloeagxrbijpuytmszkvfw\n\n--include the jquery script library? (on / off)\n\njquery: off\n\n--include the modernizr script library? (on / off)\n\nmodernizr: off\n
Your feet carry you away from your cursed prison as fast as you can go in your weakened state.\n\nYou don't have the answers, but you are free, at least, for now.\n\n<h1>Good end.</h1>
You don't make any coffee. Instead you walk away, grinding your teeth a bit.\n\nYou're supposed to feel good about yourself for turning things down. This just makes you feel cranky.<<set $defiance to $defiance + 1>>\n\n[[Ah well.|Break Room]]
<<if $defiance < 4>>You ... really just can't work up the nerve. Maybe if you felt a little more confident. Angrier, maybe.\n\n[[Back|computer]]<<else>>\s\nYeah, fuck it. This place is driving you crazy.\n\nYou finish off the letter with a flourish and send it off to management. You grin broadly as a wave of triumphant relief washes over you. You enjoyment of the relief is short-lived, however, quickly replaced by nausea and dread. Something is terribly wrong.\n\nYou look down at your arm and are horrified to see some kind of green ropey appendage buried in it, like some an organic IV drip. You hold in a shriek as you tear the ropy cord out from under your skin.\n\nThat's about when it dawns on you that you aren't wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Or any shirt. Or anything else.\n\nYou look up and [[everything is different and horrible|a maintenance closet]].<<endif>>
<<if visited() < 2>>You open the fridge, less out of hunger than boredom.\n\nYou are stunned and livid to find that the fridge is completely empty. No condiments, no lunches, no leftovers, nothing.\n\nYou open the freezer to check on your frozen, ready-made lunches and find it empty as well.\n\nThis is unacceptable. Someone will pay for this.<<set $defiance to $defiance + 1>><<else>>Your food is still gone. Not cool. Not. Cool.<<endif>>\n\n[[You close the fridge.|Break Room]]
Is this ... your chair? What?\n\n[[back|a maintenance closet]]
A clean office sink.\n\n<<if visited() < 2>>You give your hands a quick wash, because why not.\n\nMoments later, you are annoyed to realize that there are no paper towels left. You dry your hands on your khakis instead.<<else>>\s\nYou briefly consider washing your hands again but remember the paper towel thing.\n\nNot this time, sink.<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|previous()]]
A great, pulsating flower blooms in the center of this room, gently breathing out clouds of what you assume are spores. Its [[vines]] slide across the room, some of them reaching toward you.\n\nYou have mere moments to [[flee|further down the hall]] the monstrosity.
<<if visited() < 2>>... huh.\n\nThe page is loading, but status messages and user pics aren't. There's just ... interference and gibberish.\n\nYou never ran into an error like that when you were on web QA. Reloading the page doesn't seem to help. What the hell is going on?<<set $defiance to $defiance + 1>><<else>>\s\nYou click over to your social media site again, but everything's still unreadable.<<endif>>\s\n\n[[Back|computer]]
<<set $time to 0>><<set $defiance to 0>><<set $coffee to 0>>You are sitting in your desk chair, in front of your narrow desk in your tiny office.\n\nYou suspect that the little room was a closet at one point, since you scarcely have enough room to push your chair back from the desk. Also, there's no window; when the door is closed, a little vent is all the airflow you get. Instead of the fluorescent lights of a normal office, a shielded incandescent glows.\n\nBut hey, testers rarely even get their own offices, so you can't really complain, can you?\n\n* [[Complain]]\n* [[Don't complain]]
You're at the end of the hallway.\n\nYou experience a surge of intense fear about the [[nearby doorway|vines room]], through which you can hear a sliding noise.\n\nA ghastly stench comes from an open door leading to [[a dark room]] at the end of the hall, and the hall stretches [[west|decaying foyer]].
<<if $coffee < 1>>Blessed coffee maker. Renderer of caffeine.\n\nCoffee would probably help you get through this.\n\n[[Make some coffee]]\n[[Don't make some coffee]]<<else if $coffee < 5>>The coffee is still brewing. Go kill some time.\n\n[[Aw.|Break Room]]<<else>>The coffee is ready!\n\n[[Have a cuppa]]\n[[Nah, no coffee.|Break Room]]<<endif>>
<<set $time to $time + 1>><<if ($corruption + ($time / 10)) > (Math.random() * 6 + 2)>>Suddenly dizzy, you slump against the nearest wall. You feel ... strange. How is this job so exhausting? Did you do something wrong?\n\nYou slide down into a crouch on the floor. You'll just rest for a moment. Then you'll be good as new.\n\n[[Rest|Death]]<<else>><<print either("Your shoes make a rhythmic, muted thumping noise against the thin carpet of the office.","You hear a gust of wind whip through the foliage outside.","A chill runs through you in spite of the warm, controlled climate.","A sweet scent, like overripe fruit, wafts through the air.")>><<if ($corruption + ($time / 10)) > 2>>\n\n<<print either("You feel unwell.","You feel like you're walking through something thick.","A wave of exhaustion passes over you.","You are wracked, for a moment, by nausea.","You think this job is literally killing you.","Something is happening to you.")>><<endif>><<if $defiance > 3>>\n\n<<print either("Your jaw clenches.","Something is very wrong.","Is somebody playing a sick prank on you?","Somebody's making a fool of you.","This place is awful. You should send that resignation letter.","Seriously fuck this place.")>><<endif>><<if $coffee is 5>>\n\nYou hear a beep from the coffee maker.<<endif>><<if ($coffee > 0) and ($coffee < 6)>><<set $coffee to $coffee + 1>>\n<<endif>>\n[[Continue|$dest]]<<endif>>
Your office's front desk doesn't see a lot of action, since the company's clients have no reason to visit a satellite office. Nonetheless, a rotating suite of low-paid administrative folk come in for part of the workday, just in case.\n\nObviously, no one is here now, and the computer is off.\n\n<<if visited() < 2>>Ugh, whoever was here last didn't clean up very well. There's [[some kinda gunk]] on the keyboard.<<else>>Ugh the computer keyboard still has [[some kinda gunk]] all over it.<<endif>>\n\n[[Back to the hall?|Entrance Hall]]
You try to yank open the door, only to find it stuck. Desperate now, you scrabble at the vines. It takes several minutes and leaves your hands bloody, but you tear away enough of the vines to yank the door open.\n\nThe blast of fresh air that hits you is the best thing you've ever smelled.\n\nYou couldn't say how you know, but you suddenly realize that this is the first time you've seen [[the outside]] in months.
You pick up a fruit and bite into it. It is as delicious as you expected, and you polish it off quickly.<<set $corruption to $corruption + 1>>\n\n[[Back|Break Room]]
<<if visited() > 2>>You don't immediately recognize the fruit. It's sort of reddish-orange and round and smells really good.<<else>>The bowl of fruit beckons silently.<<endif>>\n\nWould you like to [[eat one]] or [[leave it alone|Break Room]]?
<<if visited() < 2>><<set $defiance to $defiance + 1>>You launch a word processing program and open the resignation letter you've been not sending for the past few months.\n\nIt's not that your job is //bad//, it's just not //good// and there's no future in it and and and. But the job market is so bad, and you're secure here and you're good at it and and and. Ugh.<<else>>\s\nYou open your resignation letter again and stare at it for a while.<<endif>>\n\n[[Send it]]\n[[Don't send it]]
Your boss's desk isn't made of real wood or anything, but it does have a lot more space. Not that he needs it, since for some reason he has flatscreen monitors and you don't.\n\nThere are also [[desk drawers]] that you really shouldn't be looking through. No sir. Best to [[walk away|Supervisor's Office]].
You hesitate a moment too long. The vines seize you.\n\nYou feel a tearing sensation in your limbs, then intense pain, then everything goes dark.\n\nYou are never found.
Bar none the saddest IT office you've ever seen. The head office in California has the bulk of the company's servers, so only one guy works here.\n\n[[Back to the hallway?|going][$dest to "North Hall"]]
The stainless steel sink gleams, shining and clean. You are relatively certain that someone has turned it on at some point but you'd be hard-pressed to recall when.\n\nThere's also a toaster oven, showing few more signs of having been used.\n\nYou are not inclined to disturb this peace.\n\n[[Back to the break room|Break Room]]
The hallway looks the same as it did when you were moved to this office two months ago, since management asked that no decorations go up in it.\n\nThe long corridor has grey walls and a dull red carpet.\n\nYour office door is [[on the left side of the hall's end|going][$dest to "Your Office"]].\nRight next door is [[the bathroom|going][$dest to "Bathroom"]].\nAlso, right [[across the hall from the bathroom|going][$dest to "IT Office"]] is the IT guy's office.\n\nThe rest of the office is [[further down the hallway|going][$dest to "South Hall"]].
Colin Sandel @inurashii
The break room is well-furnished, but with so few employees in this office it looks perpetually unused.\n\nOn the counter close to you, the sacred [[Coffee Maker]] sits.\n\nThe far corner counter has a pristine [[kitchenette]], unsullied by human hands. Next to it is the [[microwave]] and [[fridge]].\n\nUsually the long dining table has nothing on it, but today, a [[bowl of fruit]] sits on it, giving off an enticing aroma.\n\n[[Back to the hallway?|going][$dest to "South Hall"]]
<<if visited() < 2>><<set $defiance to $defiance + 1>>Doot dee doo. Just a harmless little look around, not gonna kill anybody. You open a drawer and sift through its contents.\n\n... what the hell?\n\nYour supervisor's drawers are full of papers, but they're just covered in gibberish. Nonsense words and characers. Some are blank.\n\nClosing the drawer, you look through another, only to find the same thing.\n\nYou're not sure what you expected but it wasn't this.<<else>>Wondering if perhaps you were overtired before, you open your supervisor's desk drawers again.\n\nStill full of gibberish. Unsettled, you shut the drawer again.<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|Supervisor's Office]]